Common Room

Poem Exchange Part Two: ‘Corners’

Alan Buckley and Charlotte decided to frame their sample Understory Conversation as a ‘poem exchange’: they each chose a poem of the other’s to respond to. Alan chose Charlotte’s poem ‘Corners’.

Poem Exchange Part One: ‘Peaches’

Alan Buckley and Charlotte decided to frame their sample Understory Conversation as a ‘poem exchange’: they each chose a poem of the other’s to respond to. First up, Alan’s poem ‘Peaches’.

On Silence and Safety

Here, Kate Hendry shares a poem, and chats with Charlotte about the vital balance – in life and in poetry – between hiding and being seen.

Learning to Swim in Deep Water

Here’s another sample conversation between two Understory members. This time, Karen Smith chats with Charlotte about how mindfulness and writing entwine for her, and why she loves wild swimming.

The Highly Sensitive Poet

Here we post conversations between Understory members. This time, poet and prose writer Lorna Dowell talks to Charlotte about one particular book that had a lasting impact on her, and why she believes The Understory Conversation will appeal to other highly sensitive creatives.

In Search of Belonging

Here we share samples of conversation between Understory members. We thought we’d start with ourselves – Charlotte and Sarah – chatting about poetry, talking and the Understory in the run-up to the launch of Sarah’s new poetry collection. Sign up to our Mailing List if you’d like email notifications of future postings.


This is the space where we’ll host ‘Conversations’ around creativity and the Understory. These could be between members or with other commentators. And here we open with two Understory poems – perhaps in conversation with each other? Watch this space – and sign up to our Mailing List if you want email notifications – for more.